Editorial Focus
The Pan Haiku Review focuses on Japanese short-form poetry, including haiku, senryu, tanka, haiga and haibun/tanka prose. Typically each issue has a theme. For example, issue four is only accepting submissions of haibun and tanka prose. The editor, Alan Summers, has been involved in haikai literature and tanka since 1993. He is a Pushcart Prize–nominated poet for both haiku and haibun, as well as Best Small Fictions–nominated for haibun. He is also a multiple Touchstone Award–nominated poet and winner.
Tips From the Editor
Please make sure you read the submission guidelines for the specific issue you want to submit to. Submissions will only be accepted during the advertised submission period. If you haven’t done so already, do have a look at previous issues.
PHR Issue 5 - all haibun (and tanka prose) edition Part Two maximum one piece up to 1,500 words