Editorial Focus
Founded by poet and fiction writer Jim Krusoe in 1988, Santa Monica Review is a nationally distributed literary arts journal sponsored by Santa Monica College. The journal is published twice yearly, in Fall and Spring. Early appearances in SMR: Venita Blackburn, Keenan Norris, Brittany Corrigan, Suzanne Greenberg, Lisa Alvarez. Writers appearing multiple times in SMR: Gary Amdahl, Michelle Latiolais, Diane Lefer, Richard Wirick, Alisa Slaughter.
Tips From the Editor
Smart, funny, fabulist, diverse, and politically-tuned prose featuring mostly West Coast writers. Sincere realism okay. Memoirs and novellas okay. No genre fiction; experimental and avant-garde okay. We love gorgeous sentences, big ideas, meaningful satire, and over-the-top dialog. Okay? Auto fiction also good but with low emissions and high mpgs. Please read an issue before submitting. A self-addressed, stamped envelope must, of course, accompany submissions. SMR does not accept email or online submissions, thank you.