University of Cincinnati

PhD Program

See writers who attended this program
Program Established: 
Cincinnati, OH
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
4 Years
Incoming Class Size: 
Application Deadline: 
January 1, 2025
Application Fee: 
$65 ($70 for international applicants, permanent residents, foreign nationals)
Contact E-mail: 
Contact Name: 
Rebecca Lindenberg
Core Faculty Includes: 

Poetry: Rebecca Lindenberg, Aditi Machado, Felicia Zamora
Fiction: Chris Bachelder, Michael Griffith, Leah Stewart
Nonfiction: Kristen Iversen

Funding/Employment Opportunities: 

The program offers full funding through graduate fellowships, graduate assistantships, and scholarships.

Students teach one course per semester. Students are guaranteed to teach at least one course in their area, plus additional courses in creative writing and literature.

Affiliated Publications/Publishers: 
Other Features: 

This program hosts the biennial Robert and Adele Schiff Fiction Festival and the annual Elliston Poet-in-Residence, and features a Visiting Writers Series.

The deadline for applicants not seeking departmental funding is March 1.

Fee waivers are automatically applied for applicants who are veterans or currently serving in the US armed forces, or if you are a part of McNair Scholars, State of Ohio STARS Scholars, or GEM Scholars.


Becky Adnot-Haynes, Cynthia Arrieu-King, Brian Brodeur, Erica Dawson, Sarah Domet, Darrin Doyle, Rebecca Morgan Frank, Luke Geddes, Juliana Gray, Beth Gylys, Amy Lemmon, April Lindner, Cate Marvin, Tessa Mellas, Rebecca Meacham, Kelcey Parker, David James Poissant, Emily Skaja, Jillian Weise, Caki Wilkinson, Lisa Williams

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