PhD Program
See writers who attended this programPoetry: Daniel Borzutzky, Christina Pugh, Luis Urrea
Fiction: Christopher Grimes, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Luis Urrea
Nonfiction: Mary Anne Mohanraj, Luis Urrea
Students receive full funding for six years through teaching assistantships and can also apply to numerous fellowships.
UIC also offers an MA in English with creative manuscript. MA and PhD students take writing workshops together.
The program is designed to prepare students for blended careers in writing, critical scholarship, and university teaching. Workshop courses are offered in short fiction, the novel, nonfiction, and poetry. The prose program also places an emphasis on cross-genre work, including flash fiction, flash nonfiction, flash novella, prose poetry, and verse novels. The poetry program places an emphasis on the lyric poem throughout literary history and in the twenty-first century.