
Watch videos; listen to audio clips, including readings by authors featured in Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin; and view slideshows related to articles and features published in Poets & Writers Magazine

Incendiary Art by Patricia Smith

Patricia Smith reads two poems from her new collection, Incendiary Art, published in February by TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press. Incendiary Art: The Body I’ve nightmared your writhe, glumfists...

Abandon Me by Melissa Febos

Melissa Febos reads from her new essay collection, Abandon Me, published on February 28 by Bloomsbury. Call My Name When I was seven, my sea captain father at sea, my mother a strobing lighthouse of missing, I stood alone in...

Tula by Chris Santiago

Chris Santiago reads five poems from his debut collection, Tula, published in December by Milkweed Editions. Audiometry Because my son thinks I am a citadel—soundproof. A repository.  Because horsing around at bedtime he piercedmy...

The Needle’s Eye by Fanny Howe

Fanny Howe reads from her latest essay collection, The Needles Eye: Passing Through Youth, published in November by Graywolf Press. Embryonic Once upon a time in Uzbekistan there was a boy named Faroukh who had the...

Am I Alone Here? by Peter Orner

Peter Orner reads “Upper Moose Lake, 1990,” from his new essay collection, Am I Alone Here?, published in November by Catapult.   Upper Moose Lake, 1990 I’m twenty-two, I’m drunk, I’m in a canoe. The Boundary Waters of northern...

The Mothers by Brit Bennett

Brit Bennett reads from her first novel, The Mothers, published in October by Riverhead Books.   from The Mothers In the darkness of the club, you could be alone with your grief. Her father had flung himself into Upper...

Blackacre by Monica Youn

Monica Youn reads three poems from her new collection, Blackacre, published in September by Graywolf Press. GOLDACRE We have seen claims that Twinkies . . . aren’t baked, the sponge cake instead being “a pure Chemical...

Look by Solmaz Sharif

Solmaz Sharif reads the poem "Lay" from her first book of poetry, Look, published in July by Graywolf Press.LAY    downto sleep thento rest last nightto waste beforeacross a stretcheracross a shoulderover a legbeneath an...
