Editorial Focus
DarkWinter Press and Baxter Editions are looking for novellas, novel-length manuscripts, short story collections, and poetry collections with a twist. They do not publish creative nonfiction.
Tips From the Editor
DarkWinter Press does not publish works that have been previously published as a whole. We will consider poetry and short story collections where a small percentage of the pieces have been published online. For previously published complete works, please put Baxter House Editions in the subject line of your email. We accept submissions by email only. Specify that you are submitting to DarkWinter Press or Baxter House Editions in the subject line. Please include your contact information, email, and mailing address within the body of the email or on the first page of your submission. Please send us a query letter and a sample of the first 20 consecutive pages of your work, and a brief summary of your book. Full manuscripts may be requested after our review process is complete.