Editorial Focus
Founded in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1995, Hub City Press is the South’s premier independent literary press. Focused on finding and spotlighting extraordinary new and unsung writers from the American South, our curated list champions diverse authors and books that don’t fit into the commercial publishing landscape. Hub City is interested in books with a strong sense of place and is committed to introducing a diverse roster of lesser-heard Southern voices.
Tips From the Editor
Hub City is a small press, publishing 8 to 10 titles per year. In general, the publication schedule operates at least eighteen months in advance of release. It is unlikely that they would publish an author who does not live or have roots in the South. Hub City Press opens one weekend each quarter for unagented submissions. Dates may fluxuate. Visit hubcity.submittable.com for submission opportunities, or sign up for the newsletter at hubcity.org to be alerted.