Editorial Focus
In Case Of Emergency Press publishes a small number of literary works every year: poetry, short stories, scripts, and longer fiction. If you have a manuscript ready, they’d be very happy to read it and assess it. They publish full length works (60,000 plus words for novels and short story collections; 50 plus poems for poetry collections) as well as shorter chapbooks (novella length, short plays, ten plus poems).
Tips From the Editor
We have one submission month each year: October. Submissions are accepted from the 1st of the month to the 31st of the month. Our published “response time” should be regarded as aspirational. Which is more polite than regarding it as delusional fantasy.
Chapbook submissions are not really practical for international authors because we produce them in-house and the cost of postage (and the unreliability of same) makes them too expensive to be worthwhile.
Direct speech should be enclose in double inverted commas (i.e. “ not ‘).
And don’t submit ot us if you’re not prepared to accept Australian spelling!