Editorial Focus
Launch Point Press (LPP) is a lesbian-oriented press publishing quality works by newer authors now “launching” their careers or by more experienced authors who may have been “orphaned” by a previous publisher and are relaunching their work. The editors focus on books by, for, and about lesbians in many commercial genres including crime fiction, romance, suspense, speculative fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and dystopian/apocalyptic.
Tips From the Editor
- Examine books by LPP authors to get an idea of LPP’s style and format.
- Before submitting, have others “beta-read” your work to ensure that you have a solid plot, characters, and structure.
- Find proofreaders to go through your manuscript to look for typos, missing words, bad formatting, doubled words, poor sentence construction, misspellings, etc.
- Use a program (such as ProWritingAid or Grammerly among many others) to review your manuscript and alert you to any deficiencies.
- Make use of Google and the Internet to learn all you can about book contracts, editing, revising your own work, and the publishing industry in general.