Poets & Writers Theater
Every day we share a new clip of interest to creative writers—author readings, book trailers, publishing panels, craft talks, and more. So grab some popcorn, filter the theater tags by keyword or genre, and explore our sizable archive of literary videos.
“The thing when you write about pop culture—especially pop culture that you’re interested in—that you have to avoid, is just saying ‘isn’t this cool?’ again and again...I realized that I needed to put myself into it.” Elena Passarello talks about writing creative nonfiction and reads from her first book, Let Me Clear My Throat (Sarabande Books, 2012). Passarello’s Animals Strike Curious Poses (Sarabande Books, 2017) is featured in Page One in the March/April issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.
Tags: Creative Nonfiction | Elena Passarello | talk | Aquinas College | Let Me Clear My Throat | 2012 | Sarabande Books | 2017 | Animals Strike Curious Poses | Harpy | Page One | March/April 2017 -
Poets & Writers Live was at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon, on October 17, 2015, for a program on independent publishing, featuring Barry Lopez, Matthew Dickman, Elena Passarello, Leni Zumas, Tom Spanbauer, Michael Wiegers, Mindy Nettifee, and many other authors, editors, agents, and literary professionals. More information about this and other Poets & Writers Live events can be found at pw.org/live.
Essayist Elena Passarello presents the craft talk "Point Sublime: Research and Uncertainty in the Literary Essay."