Academy of American Poets

Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize

May 15, 2024 - Check back on February 15th for Upcoming Deadline
Entry Fee: 
Cash Prize: 
E-mail address: 

A prize of $25,000 is given annually for a poetry collection by a living poet published in the United States during the previous year. The winner also receives a 10-day residency at the Glen Hollow cottage in Naples, New York. Copies of the winning book are distributed to approximately 200 members of the Academy of American Poets. Self-published books are not eligible. Using only the online submission system, U.S. publishers may submit a PDF of a book of at least 48 pages published in 2023 with a $75 entry fee by May 15. Visit the website for the required entry form and complete guidelines.

Academy of American Poets, Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901, New York, NY 10038. Nikay Paredes, Programs Director.

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