Winning Writers

North Street Book Prize

July 1, 2024 - Check back on April 15th for Upcoming Deadline
Entry Fee: 
Cash Prize: 
E-mail address: 

A grand prize of $10,000 and additional prizes of $1,000 each are given annually for self-published and hybrid-published books (works published by presses that coordinate all aspects of book publication in exchange for a fee) in genres including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and graphic narrative. Each of the winners also receives publication of an excerpt on the Winning Writers website; a marketing consultation with author and publishing consultant Carolyn Howard-Johnson; $500 in credit at BookBaby, a distributor for self-published authors; three months of Plus service from Book Award Pro (plus $250 in account credit for the grand prize winner), a literary award database and submission platform; and free advertising in the Winning Writers e-mail newsletter. Ellen LaFleche and Jendi Reiter will judge. Submit a book of up to 200,000 words with a $79 entry fee by July 1. Visit the website for complete guidelines. 

Winning Writers, North Street Book Prize, 351 Pleasant Street Suite B PMB 222, Northampton, MA 01060. (866) 946-9748. Adam Cohen, President. 

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