Center for Book Arts

Poetry Chapbook Contest

December 20, 2024 - Check back on October 15th for Upcoming Deadline
Entry Fee: 
Cash Prize: 

A prize of $500 and letterpress publication by the Center for Book Arts is given annually for a poetry chapbook. The winner also receives 10 copies of their chapbook, an additional $500 to give a reading with the contest judge at the Center for Book Arts in New York City in fall 2025, and a free weeklong residency at Millay Arts in Austerlitz, New York, for their Wintertide Rustic Retreat. Submit a manuscript of up to 21 pages (or 450 lines) with a $30 entry fee by December 20. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Center for Book Arts, Poetry Chapbook Contest, 28 West 27th Street, Third Floor, New York, NY 10001. (212) 481-0295. Camilo Otero, Artists Programs Manager.

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