San José State University

Steinbeck Fellowships in Creative Writing

January 5, 2025 - Check back on October 15th for Upcoming Deadline
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Six yearlong residencies at San José State University in San José, California, which include stipends of $15,000 each, are given annually to fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers. The fellows are required to give one public reading and reside in one of the counties within the San Francisco Bay Area or an adjacent county in the California central coast or central valley during most of the fellowship period. Using only the online submission system, submit up to 25 pages of prose, a project proposal, a résumé, and three letters of recommendation (uploaded by references) by January 5, 2025. There is no entry fee. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

San José State University, Steinbeck Fellowships in Creative Writing, Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies, Room 590, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, San José, CA 95192. (408) 808-2067. Keenan Norris, Coordinator.

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