Book Industry Charitable Foundation

Susan Kamil Scholarship for Emerging Writers

March 25, 2025
Cash Prize: 
E-mail address: 

Two prizes of $12,500 each will be given annually for an excerpt of a poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction manuscript-in-progress written by a bookseller. Writers who are working on full-length manuscripts of poetry, fiction (including graphic novels), or creative nonfiction (including memoirs), who have not previously published a book in any genre, and who are currently employed at a bookstore or comic book store in the United States (after at least three consecutive months of employment) are eligible. Using only the online submission system, submit six pages of poetry or prose, an overview of the work-in-progress, and a letter of recommendation by March 25. There is no entry fee. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Note: This listing has been updated to include information provided by the sponsoring organization after the issue went to press.

Book Industry Charitable Foundation, Susan Kamil Scholarship for Emerging Writers, 3135 South State Street, Suite 203, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. (866) 733-9064. Kate Weiss, Operations Manager.

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