Subgenres: Feminist
Writer’s Foundry Review
The Writer’s Foundry Review is a print and online journal featuring poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art. The Review is a publication of the Writer’s Foundry, the MFA Creative Writing program at St. Joseph... Read more
The G&LR (The Gay & Lesbian Review/Worldwide)
Essays in a wide range of disciplines having to do with LGBTQ topics; and book, movie, and theater reviews (do not accept unsolicited).
Gaudy Boy
From Latin gaudium meaning “joy,” Gaudy Boy publishes books that delight readers with the various powers of art. The name is taken from the poem “Gaudy Turnout” by Singaporean author Arthur Yap, about his time abroad in Leeds, UK.... Read more
unPublications serves to discover emerging, unheard, unsung and unpublished poets, writers and artists. We specialize in digital and print publishing of high-quality books for those fighting for a voice or lost in the noise.
Fruitslice is a grassroots publication created to spotlight queer artists, writers, creators, /etc. Fruitslice strengthens community by highlighting and archiving the ‘goings on’ in the hearts and minds of queer people. ... Read more
Wyldcraft Literary Magazine
Wyldcraft is a grassroots, female-run literary magazine. The editors think of themselves as foragers, going out into the wild to find and elevate emerging literary voices. They’re committed to lowering the traditional barriers of entry... Read more
Bloodletter Magazine
Bloodletter is a feminist horror magazine showcasing personal and analytical perspectives on the horrific by women, nonbinary, and trans writers. At Bloodletter the definition of horror is expansive, inclusive, and cooperative... Read more
Sterncastle Publishing
Sterncastle Publishing is an independent, traditional publisher focusing on fiction, folklore, poetry, memoir, and biography. Sterncastle’s mission is to broaden the literary landscape by publishing authors who identify as Black, Indigenous,... Read more
addanomadd is a collective interested in the exercise of post-human, nomadic writing. The name intends to infer what by nature reflects a circularity: the transhuman pace through this time and space as fugitives in search of... Read more