Subgenres: Feminist
What Books Press
What Books Press was founded in 2009 to create an outlet for groundbreaking fiction, poetry, and translation. The editors are strongly committed to new, innovative, and underrepresented writing that challenges both formal boundaries... Read more
Joanna Volpe
Suzie Townsend
Jordan Hill
Patrice Caldwell
Metachrosis Literary
Metachrosis literary magazine is an online publication that strives to be the place where the foundations of the world are explored and celebrated. Created as part of the Art, Science, and Visual Thinking MFA at Dundee University, this... Read more
Pictura Journal
Pictura Journal seeks work that offers a vivid snapshot of its creator’s world—work that complicates the mundane through concrete images and language grounded in a strong sense of place.
Fork Apple Press
The Core Review
The Core Review is engaged with environmental justice, postcolonial feminism, queerness in all its humanizing and messy forms, and supports writers' expansion beyond these topics in ways that move them. The publication values... Read more