Kopi Break
Kopi Break is an online literary magazine featuring new voices in Singaporean poetry. Welcome, dear reader, to your Friday kopi break.
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Kopi Break is an online literary magazine featuring new voices in Singaporean poetry. Welcome, dear reader, to your Friday kopi break.
Kavya Kishor, a distinguished online literary magazine of Bengali young adult literature hailing from Bangladesh, stands as a beacon of literary and cultural expression. With a focus on Bengali languages, this internationally published... Read more
The Good Life Review is an online literary journal that provides a beautiful and equitable platform for writers and artists to showcase and share their poetry, prose, and art. The editors want to foster a positive and inclusive literary... Read more
8th & Atlas Publishing is an international small press that is actively extending the cultural and creative spirit of the literary world. The family-run publishing house was established in 2020 by three siblings who maintain a love for... Read more
Infrarrealista Review invites Texan writers outside of the literary tradition to reject binaries and saddle up their experiences with full autonomy rather than accept labels invited by elitist institutions. The editors believe you own... Read more
Raven Chronicles strives to publish and showcase work that embodies the cultural diversity of writers and artists; work that expresses family and forebears; work that connects with the soil, water, and air of place and home. To this end, they... Read more
Founded in 2021 by husband and wife team Grace and Tyler Wittkofsky, Tea With Coffee Media is a team of indie authors, designers, and editors who have a goal of helping indie media producers make their dreams become a reality. Their modest press... Read more
Alternative Field Notes (and imprint of Alternative Field) welcomes dialogue, discourse, and cooperative thinking in ways that may instigate curiosity, criticism, action, creation, imagination, building, and healing. They publish poetry... Read more
Rivanna Review is a print journal published four times a year in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the Rivanna River. The content is general interest: stories, essays, art, and book reviews. Photographs and drawings are... Read more
Tater Tot Sunday Publishing was founded by a writer and a painter. The importance of creative integrity is paramount to the editors.