Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer turns eighty this year, when she will also celebrate the publication of her twenty-seventh book. Gordimer believes "a writer is selected by his subject—his subject being the consciousness of his era."
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Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer turns eighty this year, when she will also celebrate the publication of her twenty-seventh book. Gordimer believes "a writer is selected by his subject—his subject being the consciousness of his era."
A profile of the South African writer on the occasion of her latest book, Loot.
Writers review their reviewers.
An author recalls his reaction to reviews of his first book.
Amanda Davis, author of the short story collection Circling the Drain and cornerstone presence to many in and beyond the literary world, died in a plane crash on March 15, 2003, while on tour promoting her first novel, Wonder When You'll Miss Me.
Last month Jonathan Tasini, who is recognizable to most writers due to his association with the high-profile lawsuit against the New York Times, resigned as president of the National Writers Union, an advocacy group for freelance writers and is now heading the Creators Federation, an international coalition of writers and artists working in all media and the organizations that represent them.
Literary MagNet chronicles the start-ups and closures, successes and failures, anniversaries and accolades, changes of editorship and special issues—in short, the news and trends—of literary magazines in America. This issue's MagNet features Maize, Our Time Is Now, UR-VOX, Smartish Pace, and the Beloit Poetry Journal.
This year marks the centennial of Niedecker's birth. To celebrate, libraries and bookstores in her home state are planning a series of events that will draw poets, scholars, and readers to the places that inspired and influenced her poetry.
The UN has declared the next ten years the UN Literacy Decade. During this period the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization will initiate its "International Plan of Action," designed to mobilize national governments, public and private organizations, universities, and local communities to create literacy programs, research who will most benefit from such programs, and find ways to monitor their success so that they can be improved upon and replicated elsewhere.
Writers weigh in on what defines creative nonfiction.
Should an author simply count herself lucky to have landed a book deal, or should she fight for what she wants during the various stages of publishing it—the editing process, cover design, and promotion? Before deciding, it's important to understand what obstacles might stand in the way before encountering them and what to expect from all the effort.
A retrospective look at a literary magazine kayak and editor George Hitchcock.
The author defends graduate programs in creative writing.
The proliferation of irrelatives in the English language.