Kristin Tenor

Fiction Writer

De Pere, WI
Wisconsin US

Author's Bio

Kristin Tenor finds inspiration in life's quiet details and believes in their power to illuminate the extraordinary. She is the author of the flash fiction chapbook, This Is How They Mourn, which won Thirty West Publishing House's 8th Wavelengths Chapbook Contest. Her fiction has appeared in Best Microfiction 2024WigleafBending GenresX-R-A-Y100 Word Story and various other literary journals and anthologies. Kristin's work also has been nominated for Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and the Pushcart Prize as well as longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50. She currently serves as the Reviews Editor at Story

Publications & Prizes

Best Microfiction (Pelekinesis, 2024)
What Dwells between the Lines: Fifty Three 53-Word Story Winners, Plus Tips on Writing Remarkably Brief Fiction (Press 53, 2024)
This Is How They Mourn (Thirty West Publishing House, 2024)
Journals: ,
Bending Genres
Emerge Literary Journal
, ,
Prizes won: 

This Is How They Mourn--8th Wavelengths Chapbook Contest--Thirty West Publishing--2024

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Peter Orner, Joy Williams, Lydia Davis, Jamel Brinkley
What I'm reading now: 
William Trevor: The Collected Stories by William Trevor, Hue and Cry by James Alan McPherson

More Information

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Travels for readings: 
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Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Nov 11, 2024