Genre: Not Genre-Specific

Gertrude Stein Myths, Jay McInerney on The Great Gatsby, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

The Israeli government may pass legislation that will make it illegal to lower the price of a book until eighteen months after its release; poet and graphic designer Sean Bishop lists the best poetry presses by their production value; Renate Stendhal separates myth from fact regarding the legacy of Gertrude Stein; and other news.

Remembering Ray Bradbury, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Author Ray Bradbury, who popularized literary science fiction with the publication of The Martian Chronicles, died yesterday at ninety-one; Jonah Lehrer examines the influence of daydreaming on the creative mind; Michelle Legro on the Transit of Venus through the ages; and other news.

Carole "Imani" Parker and Jobs for Youth Apprenticeship Program

For the month of June, poet, educator, and inspirational speaker Carole "Imani" Parker blogs about her work with the P&W–supported Jobs for Youth Apprenticeship Program (JFYAP) at Medgar Evers College, a job readiness program she once directed.

As former director of JFYAP, I write this entry with a sense of joy, sadness, and pride. When I first started working at JFYAP in 1995, it had been closed for two years. I am privileged to have been able to watch the program grow for more than fifteen years. Unfortunately, due to the current recession, the program, which was funded by the New State Department of Labor, lost its funding and was forced to close in December 2011. Because of its collaboration with the GED Plus-Division of the New York City Department of Education and Medgar Evers College, however, the remaining students in the program have been allowed to complete their education at the college.

JFYAP was established as an academic enrichment/career development program. The program was designed to provide services to “at risk” youth as well as young people who had either dropped out of traditional high schools or migrated to the United States from other countries. For more than seventeen years, JFYAP assisted hundreds of students to reach their academic and vocational goals.

Some students came with a myriad of issues, including gang involvement, illiteracy, and substance abuse. With a caring staff and creative P&W–supported writers, such as George Edward Tait, Abu Muhammad, and Radhiyah Ayobami, many of the students were able to transform their negative conditions and behavior through the art of creative writing.

Photo: Carole Imani Parker.

Support for Readings/Workshops in New York City is provided, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, and the Department of Cultural Affairs, with additional support from the Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation, the Axe-Houghton Foundation, the A.K. Starr Charitable Trust, and Friends of Poets & Writers.


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