The Written Image: Men of Letters...

A look at select images from Men of Letters and People of Substance, a collection of author portraits created with letters from the writers' names in the typeface that best represents the style of their work.
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A look at select images from Men of Letters and People of Substance, a collection of author portraits created with letters from the writers' names in the typeface that best represents the style of their work.
Page One features a sample of titles we think you'll want to explore. With this installment, we offer excerpts from Beautiful Children by Charles Bock, Behind My Eyes by Li-Young Lee, and Infamous Landscapes by Prageeta Sharma.
Twelve debut poets talk about their experiences publishing first collections of poetry.
Two years after the demise of the Contemporary Poetry Series, the University of Georgia Press, in conjunction with Virginia Quarterly Review editor Ted Genoways, begins a new series with a traditional editorial approach.
A covert collective called the Guerilla Poetics Project takes poetry distribution to another level by stashing free broadsides in libraries and bookstores.
With the publication of his ninth collection, poet Bin Ramke has emerged as one of the avant-garde's treasured half-secrets.
A selection of recently published titles—blockbuster novels, international literature, and contemporary poetry collections—for the discerning beach bum.
Natasha Trethewey won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Native Guard (Houghton Mifflin). Also nominated were Martín Espada for The Republic of Poetry (Norton) and David Wojahn for Interrogation Palace: New & Selected Poems 1982-2004 (University of Pittsburgh Press).
Controversy surrounds Tupelo Press and its 2006 Dorset Prize after allegations of unfairness emerge from contest participants.