Gavialidae is a print literary periodical published annually seeking poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and plays.
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Gavialidae is a print literary periodical published annually seeking poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and plays.
Litmosphere—formerly home for Charlotte Lit’s Lit/South Awards winners and finalists—is now an open submission, paying online literary and art journal, published twice a year. Submissions of art, flash (fiction and nonfiction up... Read more
Libre’s a small vessel, bent on publishing writing and art that wrestles with starlight, confronts madness, while letting us see the sweat. Repurpose the myth for our modern day melancholy. Provoke your demons—call them by their proper... Read more
Pens and Poison is a new type of literary magazine that does not constrain your writing by theme, group, or identity. We’re just interested in good writing that captures a genuine facet of the human experience. We don’t care who you are. Just... Read more
Big Wing Review is an independent literary magazine. “Big Wing” was a World War II fighter plane tactic where individual planes flew in a formation of five. It was an idea before its time; this strategy was much praised but in reality... Read more
JLRB Press is a small-run imprint that specializes in poetry, with a strong emphasis on queer and neurodivergent voices and emerging writers.
Mainly work by Zambian writers, except for January, when work by African writers living in Africa is also considered.
Confluence is a venue for emerging and innovative English-language haiku poets to showcase a representative sample of their work and receive readership and recognition. We will feature between 1 to 2 poet Fellows per issue, and publish no fewer... Read more
The Lindenwood Review, an annual online literary journal, publishes fiction (short stories and flash fiction), creative nonfiction (personal essays, lyric essays, and flash nonfiction), and prose poems (paragraph format; no line breaks... Read more
An annual print literary journal designed and edited by graduate students at the University of Arkansas at Monticello, Shadowplay welcomes submissions in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The masthead accepts all artistic voices,... Read more