Tags: translations
Publishing Poetry in Translation

Circumference Books, launched in 2018 by Jennifer Kronovet and Dan Visel, is dedicated to bringing international works of poetry to an English-speaking audience.
Obamas Unveil Presidential Library Plans, Best Translated Book Awards, and More
Three new story collections by immigrant writers; new anthology of West Virginia writers; Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians television series; and other news.
Istanbul Bookshop Creates Haven for Young Syrians, Writing Through Shock, and More
“Dutch classic” 1947 novel translated into English for the first time; American Library Association announces winners of its Youth Media Awards; novelist Anuk Arudpragasam on articulating inner life; and other news.
Marlon James’s Fantasy Trilogy, Write in Mark Twain’s Library, and More
John Yau on John Ashbery’s collage work; the novel in the age of Obama; on translating The Epic of Gilgamesh; and other news.
Publishing Controversial Figures, Book Thieves, and More
New fiction and poetry in translation; Chinese surgeon’s smog poem goes viral; book returned to Seattle library forty years overdue; and other news.
Obama’s Literary Presidency, Bernie’s Book Bank, and More
Juan Felipe Herrera selects poet Ray Gonzalez for Witter Bynner Fellowship; Asian American fiction published in 2016; Ta-Nehisi Coates on politics and writing; and other news.
Hilton Als on James Baldwin, Philip Roth to Donate Personal Book Collection to Newark Library, and More
Man found guilty of murdering author and book dealer over rare copy of The Wind in the Willows; two interviews with late poet Max Ritvo; ten words whose meanings have changed drastically over time; and other news.
Elena Ferrante Identity Controversy, Paterson Trailer Released, and More
Art forgery fiction; Arundhati Roy to publish second novel after twenty years; U.K. releases Agatha Christie stamps; and other news.
The Writing Life in Mexico City, Amazon to Open Chicago Bookstore, and More
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies author sued by Hachette; how a contemporary poetry book became a best-seller; Lena Dunham to publish short story collection; and other news.