The Reading Habits of Millennials, the Competitive Job Market for Creative Writers, and More
Barnes & Noble narrows losses; the world’s top-earning authors; the dangers of reading; and other news.
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Barnes & Noble narrows losses; the world’s top-earning authors; the dangers of reading; and other news.
Amazon’s latest Kindle Paperwhite includes an integrated version of Goodreads; Eric Van Hoose makes a case that writers should play video games; Susan Stamberg reports on F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s time spent in the resort town of Asheville, North Carolina; and other news.
One page of Charlotte Brontë's French homework fetched almost eighty thousand dollars; Sherman Alexie sparked a Twitter deluge with one Tweet; Charlie Savage looks at the prison library at Guantanamo Bay detention camp; and other news.
GalleyCat explains ways to submit your novel in 2013; today is the last day to vote in the Above and Beyond Award 2013; the New Yorker looks back at the best literary feuds of 2012; and other news.
She Writes, a Web site established for women writers, has joined the ranks of literary social networking utilities. Launched in June it aims to provide a place "where women writers working in every genre, in every part of the world, and of all ages and backgrounds, can come together in a space of mutual support."
Last year a total of 172,000 books were published in the United States. Although that number reflects a 10 percent decrease from the previous year, it's easy to see how any one book could get lost in the shuffle—especially if it's one among the many memoirs being published every season. With the idea that there's strength in numbers, four memoirists who published books earlier this year have joined forces to promote their titles, developing a community of like-minded authors—and fostering emerging writers—along the way.
Whether you create it yourself or hire a designer, developing an author Web site is one of the best ways to promote yourself and provide an authoritative source for readers to discover your work.