November/December 2013

Our Self-Publishing Issue features a comprehensive collection of articles on the rise of the independent author, including an overview of options, expert advice, and important warnings for self-published writers; profiles of Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert, poet August Kleinzahler, and fiction writer Andre Dubus III; an essay on the short stories of Denis Johnson; tips on how to be a good literary citizen; and much more.


Eat, Pray, Write: A Profile of Elizabeth Gilbert

by Frank Bures
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What happens after you sell eight million copies of a book? One of the few authors who can answer that 
question is Elizabeth Gilbert, whose first novel since 
the 2006 release of her mega-successful memoir was published by Viking in October.

The Pugilist at Rest: A Profile of August Kleinzahler

by Kevin Nance
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August Kleinzahler, whose reputation as a scrappy provocateur has taken on a life of its own, is in truth a thoughtful soul who, during the course of writing eleven books, including his latest, The Hotel Oneira, has 
mastered the art of...

We Can't Choose What Haunts Us: A Profile of Andre Dubus III

by Joshua Bodwell
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After an early publishing career marked by slow progress and rejection, Andre Dubus III combines the empathetic power of his novel House of Sand and Fog with the geography of his memoir, Townie, in his new book, 
Dirty Love...

Special Section

Elevated Platforms: Making Sense of Self-Publishing Options

by Adrian Versteegh
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With an increasing number of self-publishing platforms available online, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. This roundup of available services will help make sense of the options.

An Editorial Imperative
: The Importance of Finding a Good Editor

by Michael Bourne
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One of the keys to any successful piece of writing is finding a good editor—an imperative that extends, perhaps especially, to self-published authors.

The Heartbreak of Publicity: A Cautionary Tale

by Susan Kushner Resnick
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In this cautionary tale, a creative nonfiction author shares her own experiences in order to highlight the potential risks of hiring a freelance publicist.

The Heartbeat of Publicity
: A Publicist Responds to Heartbreak

by Michelle Blankenship
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Freelance publicist Michelle Blankenship responds to Susan Kushner Resnick's "The Heartbreak of Publicity," pointing out the importance—and the inherent uncertainty—of publicity.

The Best Reviews Money Can Buy: 
Critical Care for Self-Published Authors

by Melissa Faliveno
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Kirkus Indie, a relatively new branch of Kirkus Reviews magazine, has paved the way toward a new tradition of book reviewing, allowing self-published authors to purchase professional book reviews that may be seen by agents, editors, and...

News and Trends

The Practical Writer

How to Be a Good Literary Citizen: The Best Form of Networking

by Joey Franklin
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A collection of established and emerging writers share insights and experiences on how to be a good literary citizen—the most effective form of networking.

The Literary Life
