Genre: Creative Nonfiction
Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin
The first lines of a dozen noteworthy books, including Yr Dead by Sam Sax and Under the Eye of the Big Bird by Hiromi Kawakami.
John Lewis Writing Grants
John Updike Tucson Casitas Fellowship
Writing Fellowships
In Cahoots Residency
In Cahoots offers residencies of one, two, or three weeks year-round to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers in the countryside of Petaluma, California, in scenic Sonoma County. Residents are provided with individual cottages, each with a private kitchen and bathroom, as well as access to a private studio. The cost of the residency is $950 ($810 for students) for one week, $1,600 ($1,360 for students) for two weeks, or $2,350 ($2,000 for students) for three weeks.
In Cahoots Residency, 198 Liberty Road, Petaluma, CA 94952. Macy Chadwick, Founder and Director.
Prize in Creative Nonfiction
Washington Island Literary Festival
The Washington Island Literary Festival, sponsored by Write On, Door County, was held from September 19 to September 21 at the Trueblood Performing Arts Center and other venues in Washington Island, Wisconsin. The festival featured workshops, panel discussions, author presentations, and a community creative lab for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers.
Washington Island Literary Festival, Write On, Door County, P.O. Box 457, Fish Creek, WI 54212. (920) 868-1457. Jerod Santek, Founding and Artistic Director.
Nature Writing Prize
Vermont Studio Center
The Vermont Studio Center (VSC) offers two-, three-, and four-week residencies year-round to poets, fiction writers, creative nonfiction writers, and translators in Johnson, Vermont, a village located in the heart of the northern Green Mountains. VSC provides time and space to write, readings, craft talks, and individual consultations with invited visiting writers. Residents are provided with a private room, private studio space, and meals. The cost of the residency is $2,700 for two weeks, $3,825 for three weeks, and $4,950 for four weeks. Full and partial fellowships were available.
Vermont Studio Center, 80 Pearl Street, P.O. Box 613, Johnson, VT 05656. (802) 635-2727.