Genre: Fiction
Nimrod Literary Awards
Small Press Points: Driftwood Press

Publishing around half a dozen novellas, poetry collections, and graphic novels yearly, Driftwood Press resists narrowing itself to a specific niche; instead, the press is defined by its diversity in stories, styles, and perspectives.
Self-Publishing Literary Awards
Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize
How the Light Gets In: The Refrigerator Light
A novelist shares the way a writer builds intimacy between readers and characters, and how the peculiar glow of the refrigerator light brings warmth to an audience of one.
Ten Questions for Lily Tuck

“I studied with Gordon Lish and he once said: ‘Never explain, never complain.’” —Lily Tuck, author of The Rest Is Memory
A.I.R. Studio Paducah
A.I.R. Studio Paducah offers residencies of two weeks to three months year-round to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers in the Lower Town Arts District of Paducah, Kentucky. Residents are provided with a private apartment and studio space. The cost of the residency is $700 for two weeks or $1,000 for one month. To apply, submit up to five poems of any length or up to 10 pages of prose, a cover letter, a résumé, a writer’s statement, and contact information for three references with a $25 application fee.
A.I.R. Studio Paducah, c/o Alonzo Davis, 4410 Oglethorpe Street, #609, Hyattsville, MD 20781. (202) 374-5650. Kay Lindsey, Communications Coordinator.
Macondo Writers Workshop
The 2025 Macondo Writers Workshop will be held from July 21 to July 27 at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. The program features writing workshops, seminars, and free public readings for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers who also identify as social activists. The faculty includes poet Kevin Young; poet and fiction writer Benjamin Alire Sáenz; poet, fiction writer, and nonfiction writer Cristina Rivera Garza; and nonfiction writer Sarah Schulman. The cost of the program, which includes room and board, is $830.
Macondo Writers Workshop, Trinity University, One Trinity Place, Northrup Hall 244, San Antonio, TX 78212. Pat Alderete, Applications Administrator.
Voices of the Wilderness Artist in Residence Program
The U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service offer one- to two-week residencies from June through August to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers who wish to take part in stewardship projects in the wilderness of Alaska. Residents are paired with a wilderness ranger with whom they explore the national forests, parks, or refuges, while assisting with research, fieldwork, and other light ranger duties.
Voices of the Wilderness Artist in Residence Program, P.O. Box 129, Girdwood, AK 99587. Barbara Lydon, Program Coordinator.
