Genre: Poetry

Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House Library


Watch this short video offering a glimpse of the miniature books handwritten by revered authors in the library of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House at Windsor Castle, the residence of the British royal family in the eponymous English town. Read more about the miniature library in “The Written Image: Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House Library Books” in the July/August issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

Richard-Gabriel Rummonds Poetry Prize

Ex Ophidia Press
Entry Fee: 
August 31, 2024
A prize of $2,000, publication by Ex Ophidia Press, and 10 author copies will be given annually for a poetry collection. Rebecca Lindenberg will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of 50 to 100 pages and a brief bio with a $25 entry fee by August 31. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction Contest

Sewanee Review
Entry Fee: 
July 31, 2024
Three prizes of $1,000 each and publication in Sewanee Review are given annually for a single poem or group of poems, a short story, and a creative nonfiction essay. Shane McCrae will judge in poetry, Lorrie Moore will judge in fiction, and John Jeremiah Sullivan will judge in creative nonfiction. Using only the online submission system, submit up to six poems or a story or essay of up to 10,000 words with a $30 entry fee, which includes a subscription to Sewanee Review, from July 1 to July 31. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Other Futures Award

Entry Fee: 
August 15, 2024
A prize of $1,000, publication by Futurepoem, and 25 author copies is given annually for a book of innovative poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or hybrid work “that challenges conventions of genre and language, content and form.” The editors will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of up to 200 pages with a $28 entry fee (or a sliding scale fee of $9 or $18) from July 15 to August 15. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Cantor Prize

Talking Gourds
Entry Fee: 
August 31, 2024
A prize of $1,000 will be given annually for a single poem about the state of Colorado or written by a poet residing in Colorado. Juan J. Morales will judge. Submit a poem of up to three pages with a $10 entry fee ($25 for three poems) by August 31. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Granum Foundation Prizes

Granum Foundation
Entry Fee: 
August 1, 2024
A prize of $5,000 is given annually to a poet, fiction writer, or creative nonfiction writer to support the completion of a manuscript-in-progress. Up to three finalists will be awarded at least $500 each. A Translation Prize of at least $1,500 is also given. Using only the online submission system, submit 12 poems or up to 25 pages of prose by August 1. There is no entry fee. Visit the website for the required entry form and complete guidelines.

Fischer Prize

Talking Gourds
Entry Fee: 
August 31, 2024
A prize of $1,000 is given annually for a single poem. Juan J. Morales will judge. Submit a poem of up to three pages with a $10 entry fee ($25 for three poems) by August 31. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Poetry Contest

Grayson Books
Entry Fee: 
August 15, 2024
A prize of $1,000, publication by Grayson Books, and 10 author copies is given annually for a poetry collection. Chase Twichell will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of 50 to 90 pages with a $26 entry fee by August 15. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Stories That Need to Be Told Contest

TulipTree Publishing
Entry Fee: 
August 9, 2024
A prize of $1,000 is given annually for a poem, a short story, or an essay that “tells a story that needs to be told.” The winner also receives a two-year subscription to the literary database Duotrope and publication in the annual Stories That Need to Be Told Contest anthology. E-mail a poem of up to five pages or a story or essay of up to 10,000 words with a $20 entry fee (sent via postal mail or PayPal) by August 9. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

Off the Grid Poetry Prize

Grid Books
Entry Fee: 
August 31, 2024
A prize of $1,000 and publication in print and audio formats by Grid Books is given annually for a poetry collection by a writer over the age of 60. Gregory Orr will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of at least 50 pages with a $25 entry fee by August 31. Visit the website for complete guidelines.


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